Saturday, October 29, 2011

Only I can judge my art, really. Who is judging yours?

I feel a really creative surge coursing through my veins these days. The dust bunnies are all around my feet, the foggy windows are in plain view and the dishwasher full of clean dishes beckons to be cleaned out and ALL I can think about is art and how I'll get to those duties later!
I have a surplus of ideas right now - things that are calling me to be made. Some call so long and I visualize them being made before my eyes, then in my mind, it already is! I don't even have to get to it because I have seen the results and they are fantastic! Sure no one else can see it, or even buy it, but that make me question, who are we making the art for anyway? I mean really?! When the dust settles who is the "observer" of my art? The answer hits me like a powerful revelation thunderbolt, me! I am the only one that needs to be satisfied with the result. An example of this is this charm in my bracelet -pictured here. My solder is lumpy, my jump rings are all unevenly spaced, and even the frame is crooked (somehow?) - to me, all strokes of genius! To a perfectionist-type jewelry maker - a giant fail! But when I do look at this piece, it satisfies me to know that the art is mine, the thought process was me and the execution of it was uniquely Christina Lovisa. Why would I care what ANYONE thought of it? I really don't! Now, if I was trying to mass produce these for revenue I would care about the observer and change my artistic execution of it.
The same rules apply to taking art workshops. If you are called to get creative, that little muse is speaking, I encourage you to take classes outside of your comfort zone and you will be amazed and what you can produce once you remove that judgment you place on yourself and just accept the results of it. Before long, you'll be embracing the little things that make you uniquely you.

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